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Ava’s latest game

February 8th, 2006 · by map · 4 Comments

Well, there are two latest games, actually.

The other day I was teaching her how to snore. I’d tell her I was going to sleep, and then I’d rest my head on the floor and start making a snoring noise. After one or two good rips, Ava would yell “DA!” My eyes pop open in surprise that she awoke me. Then she laughs and smiles. Score. The game then resets when Ava leans her head on her shoulder and starts closing her eyes, which is my cue to start snoring again.

The other game isn’t a game so much as a learning process. You may remember that Ava’s just learned how to nod to signify “yes.” She’s had the head shake for “no” down for a while now. We’ll be sitting at the dinner table, Ava in her booster chair, and she’ll say “all done!” I’ll say, “you don’t want any more?” She shakes her head no. “No?” I say? She nods, indicating yes, she means no. “Yes?” I ask. She shakes her head, indicating, “No, ‘yes’ I don’t want any more.” And we go on like this for a couple minutes before she loses patience. It’s tremendously cute and absolutely hilarious.

Tags: Ava