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Ava’s first kiss

January 27th, 2006 · by map · 4 Comments

Leah and I watched Ava’s little friend Mack this afternoon while his mom went on a short errand.  Mack spent most of his time at our house trying to keep his trucks and cars out of Ava’s greedy little mitts.

When it was time for him to leave, I told Ava to say bye bye.  She walked up to Mack, pursed her lips, and made her “mmmmm” kissing noise.  I figured she’d just do her usual wave, but she obviousy had other plans.  Mack’s mom was a bit thrown, too.  “Is she trying to give him a kiss?”  She told Mack that Ava wanted to give him a kiss, and Mack pursed his own lips, made his “mmmm” kissing sound, and planted one right on Ava.  It was hilarious and insanely cute.  Ava went to give Mack another kiss, but he’d had enough, so she just threw her arms around him and gave him a hug.

Clearly Ava is going to need a talking to.  Although, she could do a heck of a lot worse than a boy named Mack.

Tags: Ava