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October 31st, 2005 · by map · No Comments

It doesn’t seem possible we’re coming up on another Thanksgiving already. Why should the presence of a baby suddenly make time accelerate so drastically? Anyway.

The schedule for this year is going to be the same as last. Wednesday I’ll roast a turkey and make a sweet potato dish with a streusel topping that was featured in the latest Cook’s Illustrated. Dad’ll bring a potato dish and green bean casserole. Mom’s going to bring a pie. Dunno what Scott’s going to bring. Wine, maybe. I’ll also pick up some dressing from Hy Vee, unless I get really crazy and try to make my own. It promises to be a nice dinner.

On Thursday morning we’ll trek to Leah’s hometown and have our second Thanksgiving meal. I’m going to take along a squash bisque with bourbon. I’ve never tried that, but the recipe sounds great.

I anticipate that after Thursday I won’t have to eat again until sometime in early 2006.

Tags: Food & Drink · Meals