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Poor little mini

October 12th, 2005 · by map · No Comments

Leah’s been beefing about the performance of the gallery since nicheplayer was moved over to the mini. From what I can determine, the slowdown is probably twofold. First, Gallery2 is a bit of a pig. It’s just slower than the 1.x versions. Second, the mini has a notebook drive in it, which runs at 5400RPM. That’s compared to the 7200RPM, 8MB buffer drive in the Cube. I’m going to try moving my g2data directory over to an external FW drive and see if that speeds things up at all. According to this /. story, people are seeing performance increases upwards of 75%. That would be nice.

Update: Well, I moved the g2data folder onto my external drive, and it doesn’t seem to have improved things much. In fact it may have even made things worse. Even the blog is loading more slowly today than it has in the past. Dare I find a 7200RPM notebook drive and install that in the mini? I hope it doesn’t have to come to that.

Tags: Computer · Mac