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My mother, the spammer

February 11th, 2005 · by map · No Comments

Thought I’d just make a quick entry about a project Kevin recently worked up for my mom.

Her ISP’s spam filters were choking on some e-mails she was trying to send with very long recipient lists. Their suggestion was to break the lists up and send multiple messages. Probably not a terrible solution, but why bother when you can set up a new mail account on a low-traffic server in Madison?

Which is just what we did. Kevin made a user account for my mom on his Linux box, and everything seems to be working great. It’s a win-win situation: Kevin gets to play with his mail server app, and my mom can carpet bomb the Internet with free lunch e-mails.

Kevin also sent me a link to a cool php-based app that provides system info. It was a breeze to install and works really well. Next up is ntop, which looks like a really nice way to track server traffic in about a thousand different ways.

Tags: Computer · Software