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MySQL hitch

January 12th, 2005 · by map · No Comments

One of the things that I find frustrating about working up Web stuff on my Cube is that I can usually get most things working to a usable degree, but there are often a couple niggling little issues that make my installs less than perfect. In this most recent case, WordPress and MySQL are conspiring to give me small fits.

I made the mistake of installing some software updates on the Cube last night and restarting the machine. After it booted, I restarted the MySQL server. And for some reason, the passwords for users at my locahost were changed. This isn’t a HUGE deal, as I can get in and change the passwords back using phpmyadmin, but as it stands now, running MySQL only shows me my test database. This blog is still working, though, which was the whole point of installing MySQL in the first place, so I guess things could be worse. Still, it would be nice to have everything working the way it should.

Hey, I could be stuck still using blosxom, which makes WordPress look downright trouble free in comparison. Sure, I had the base, default install of blosxom running for a while, but every time I’d go to install a new plugin or modify blosxom’s config file, I’d get 500 errors all over the place. There was just too much fight and not enough love. The downside, I guess, of being too stupid to learn Perl. But I don’t feel too bad about it when I go to blosxom developer Rael Dornfest’s site and get server errors there. If it’s not working right for him, I don’t stand much of a chance.

Tags: Computer · Software