Never fails. I could take photos of these kids all day long for days on end with my DSLR, and then Gramary comes along with her iPhone and catches a shot that blows away anything I captured. I suppose I should be grateful, and I am.
This photo is representative of a couple things. One, it’s an argument for shooting with what ya got. Granted, you won’t be making hi-res prints of this at anything greater than postage stamp size, but it’s impossible to conceive that my enjoyment of this picture would increase as its size grows. Two, the shot is another example of the formula that describes the inverse relationship between my appreciation of a picture and my ability to describe that appreciation in detail. I can tell you only that this smile sums Ava up for me. It’s how I see her in my mind, regardless what is happening in the real world, and it’s how I want her always to be.