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April 21st, 2010 · by map · No Comments

This past Sunday, we all loaded up on our bikes and took a ride to a nearby park. It was Emmett’s first ride in the Burley, and Ava did a great job holding her little bro’s hand as they rolled along together.

Emmett’s been doing well lately. He weighed about 19 1/2 lbs. when we had him into the doctor’s office earlier this week. He fell down a couple stairs last week and got a nice bruise on his cheek. This very evening, he pulled a basket full of toys off a shelf in his closet and got a little cut under one eye. He likes to splash like crazy when he gets in the tub with Ava. He walks around the house behind his little pink walk wagon or pushing against a folding plastic step stool we keep in the kitchen. He. Gets. Into. Everything. But he’s awfully cute, so we put up with it.

Not long now, and the little guy is going to be one whole year old. It seems like he’s growing up so much faster than Ava did; I wish there were a way to slow him down.

Tags: Baby · Emmett