It seemed like a good idea at the time. We were all upstairs, bathing and feeding and getting ready for bed. I took Emmett into Ava’s room and sat with him for a bit. He kept craning his neck to see the big ladybug nightlight Ava keeps on her bed. So I set Emmett on the bed in a seated position and watched as he manhandled the ladybug for a bit. He’s really getting this sitting thing down.
Ava and Leah came in. At first, Ava didn’t want to share her ladybug. But after a quick admonition from her mother, she changed her mind. Ava slid the ladybug back to Emmett, and he resumed groping it. Ava turned on the light inside the toy, and Emmett was suddenly covered in tiny stars. What the hell kind of father would I be…nay, what kind of person would I be, if I didn’t seek out the nearest camera when presented with such a scene?