I took this shot the other day on a lark. Sometimes pictures just show up on my laptop and I have no idea where they came from.

In other news, I was in front of the house yesterday morning before work, and two students from the high school up the street walked down our sidewalk smoking a joint. Right in front of me. They cupped it and smiled as they walked by and only mumbled when I asked, “What are you two up to?” It wasn’t until I got inside that I had my moment of parental indignation. I wasn’t so upset by the fact that these kids were smoking pot, but that they were doing it in front of my house with my daughter standing in the front door. So I sent off an e-mail to the Vice Principal with a description of the guys, but of course they looked just like a lot of other guys at the school. At least they know I’m out here now; maybe they’ll walk down a different street next time.