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Moment of cuteness

June 29th, 2009 · by map · 6 Comments

What a nice weekend. Leah and Em had a baby “sprinkle” to attend on Sunday, which meant Leah had to have her hair done on Saturday. So Ava, Emmett, and I toodled around downtown for a spell while Buzz did their worst with my wife’s locks.

The weather was gorgeous, if a bit warm, on Saturday, and Ava was having a great time dancing to imaginary music in an open area in the pedestrian mall.* The light wasn’t all I would’ve liked it to be, but some minor tweaking in software enabled me to get a presentable shot from at least one of the pictures in the series.


As always, click the image for a larger version.

* I should note that, shortly after this photo was taken, we cleared out of the ped mall after two drunk homeless characters started playing tennis in the open area where we were. Add to that the very loud profanity coming from the (also clearly drunk) couple nearby, and it was quickly becoming a child-unfriendly venue. It was frustrating that these few people could ruin that nice public space for the rest of the public.

Tags: Ava · Outdoors · Photography