And it’s been quiet, so far. Contractions, sure, but nothing “emergent,” as they say in the baby biz. So, we wait. Surely this child won’t break Ava’s record for tardiness, presently set at six days? I hope not. The good news in all this is that Leah doesn’t have to worry about an early arrival cutting into her planned vacation at the end of July. The way things are going (or not going), we might have to miss that vacation for the delivery!
Also, a brief technical aside: I understand that visitors using the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser (yes, there are people still using that browser! I know, right?) are having trouble loading this blog. I’m not sure what the issue is. But I will say that I’m disinclined to spend much time trying to fix the problem on my end, even though I know I should, as a good blog owner. It’s not that I hate IE users. Not at all. I just hate IE. And I feel that if I make changes here to accommodate some vagary of IE, I’m only perpetuating its use.
Hmm. Moz could be a cool middle name. It’s unisex, right?