Unborn baby:
You’re a mover and a shaker. We were at Uncle Kevin and Aunt Rachel’s this past weekend to celebrate your mom’s birthday, and you helped entertain everyone with all your pokes and prods from inside the womb. You also got a kiss from your Aunt Rachel!

I doubt you felt it, but it’s a kiss all the same! Your Poom Poom and G.G. were there, too. I hope you had as much fun as we did.
The bad news is that your mom’s having a lot of contractions every day, usually in the afternoon. She called a nurse last night, who told us that these kinds of contractions are more common in second pregnancies and tend to show up when the mother is tired (your mom had them with Ava, too). This talk did your mom some good, but she’s going in tomorrow anyway to have her cervix checked. Doesn’t that sound like fun? When your sister was born, your mom’s cervix never opened wide enough, so we’re thinking it’s unlikely that there’s any problem this time around. But if we’ve learned anything from your big sis, it’s to expect the unexpected!