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I’ve been tagged

December 22nd, 2008 · by map · 13 Comments

The challenge: Seven things about me (with selected item inspiration from Aprille). Ready, set….

  1. I was thrilled that this meme gave me a chance to finally use the ordered list tags on WordPress. Maybe this tells you so much about me that you needn’t read further.
  2. I truly believe that I’m 2.5-3 times more awesome than I actually am.
  3. I’m of the opinion that no less than 85% of my current personality was formed on the day in 1982 when my parents told my brother and me they were getting divorced. For better or worse.
  4. I hate half-and-half pizzas. They represent indecision, and indecision is weakness. Don’t get a large half-and-half pizza; get two medium one-topping pizzas and save the leftovers for breakfast and/or lunch the next day.
  5. I sometimes belch really loudly at home to irritate my wife. But also because I like to see how loudly I can belch.
  6. When I adjust the volume on my stereo receiver — or anywhere there’s a numeric digital readout — I like to leave it on an even number. Same goes for adjustments in Photoshop. Exposure? +2. Or +.6. Never .7.
  7. I don’t tell my wife I love her nearly as much as I should (or, by extension, nearly as much as my love for her would indicate I should). I often find myself wondering why this is so, and while I’m wondering about it, I think, “Since you’re sitting here wondering about why you don’t say it more often, why not just say it instead?” And then I don’t say it, and I realize I’m a bad husband.

I’m now supposed to tag seven other people. Gosh. OK. Uh…. Danny. Greg. Ben (we all know you have a blog, Ben!). Cindy. Wendy. WebbUSA. Nathan. Merry Christmas!

Tags: Entertainment · TMI