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Moment of cuteness

July 8th, 2008 · by map · 4 Comments

Well, 50% cute, at least.


Ava was wearing my new sun hat while we sat outside at the Java House this past weekend. She was happy to take a couple arms-length portrait shots with me.

I remain awed by the biology of parenthood. I figure the same process that enables Leah to completely erase all memories of her nightmarish delivery with Ava is the same one at work when I look at Ava and marvel at how precious she is. There are lots and lots of adorable, bright kids around these days, but Ava’s the best. No argument. Everyone else pales in comparison. And this from a guy who makes a concerted effort to remain realistic about his child’s place in the world. I understand there’s no way she can ever be everything I think she is or will become, but for now — while all her potential is still before her — I’m loving the delusion.

Tags: Ava · Photography