Leah thinks I’m crazy. For the past couple weeks, I’ve been trapping chipmunks at our house and relocating them to a park about a half mile (and across a creek) away. I caught five yesterday and one this morning before we even left for work. I’ve probably trapped about 20 total (not including the sparrow that wandered into the trap the other day). They just keep coming.
Leah insists the effort is pointless, that the chipmunks will continue to invade the yard and undermine our stone wall, AC unit, and front walk no matter how many I cart away. I beg to differ. And besides, Ava loves to hop into The Chipmunk Express (her Burley) with the caged rodent in back and ride over to the park, where I let her open the cage and let the little sucker go. Here she is at the park during a recent release: