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Possible Side Effects

June 4th, 2008 · by Leah · 18 Comments

Arthritis; back, bone, leg, or arm pain; breast pain; constipation; cough; diarrhea; dizziness; headache; hot flashes; flu-like symptoms; flushing; increased sweating; indigestion; infection; joint or muscle pain; loss of appetite; nausea; night sweats; pain; sleeplessness; stomach pain; tiredness; urinary tract infection; vaginal dryness; vomiting; weakness; weight gain or loss.

Well, well, well . . . here’s to the first official month of our fabulous encounter with Femara (generically known as Letrozole). I’ve taken one pill so far and have four more to go in this cycle. I can’t believe I’m actually taking a medication that is not FDA approved for use with fertility (its intended purpose is to treat breast cancer, but it’s been used to treat infertility for about 10 years). Let the infertility madness begin!

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