OK, I stole that headline from today’s WSJ. Sue me (KIDDING, Rupert!).
Sunday evening we loaded into the car with Gramary and went out to see some Christmas light displays. Ava was very, very excited. There was one home in particular that we were looking forward to, and when we were leaving the house, we told Ava it was out in the country. From that point on, she’d ask us every block or so if we were “in another country yet.” Fortunately, the drive wasn’t that long. And it was sure worth it:

This place was nuts. The picture here only captures about a third of the total display, and it doesn’t include the music playing on the cold little boombox sitting in the front yard. Not an LED in sight. The guy must be made of money. Here’s a map:
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Before we visited this place, though, we stopped at a live nativity scene at a church a couple blocks from our house. In addition to the wise men and other manger dwellers, there were llamas, goats, and a donkey, too. Ava was big into the goats; we had a difficult time prying her free when it was time to go.

As fate would have it, Ava received a little toy goat in her advent calendar yesterday this morning that looks exactly like this one. She named it Goaty Flower.