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“That” talk

November 8th, 2007 · by map · 18 Comments

I never thought it would happen this soon, but there it was, last night at the dinner table, when Ava looked over at Leah and asked her where babies come from.

The topic came up in the course of Ava discussing again how much she likes babies. Leah’s a big believer in laying out the facts as they is, so she tried to explain to Ava the mechanics involved in human procreation, complete with proper anatomical terms. As soon as she was done, Ava — who was sitting next to me at the table — looked up at me and said, “I know: Why don’t you put your penis in mommy’s vagina so we can have a baby?” I replied that that sounded like a fantastic idea.

It was at this point that we realized we’d come to a likely stopping place in our explanation. The whole sperm and egg process seemed beyond the scope of a post-dinner chat. Besides that, I wasn’t sure I wanted to field any more indecent proposals from my three-year-old daughter. We left the topic with the note that there’s more to making a baby than the physical act of having sex. Ava responded with a bit of a blank stare, understandably.

Tags: Ava · TMI