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Moment of cuteness

November 5th, 2007 · by map · 10 Comments

We took a drive out to Squire Point yesterday to take a stroll along the paths. We told Ava she should keep an eye out for pretty leaves, and we’d collect them to bring home so we could make a collage. She paid heed.


It was just about a perfect day for a hike. Ava insisted on walking most of the way, and she was determined to stay ahead of us. I tried to pass her once, but she wouldn’t hear of it.

Ava’s on the back end of a little cold that’s been producing copious amounts of thick, green boogers the last couple days. We’re hoping that whatever it is has just about run its course now (we’re running low on facial tissue). She hasn’t been too much fussier than usual, and her appetite is pretty much the same as always (which is to say, not great). The weather’s been nice, at least, so we’ve been able to get out a walk or rake leaves to keep things interesting for her. Also, Ava’s produced about 10 hand turkeys in the last week, most of which have turned out really well. My list of things to do this week should include getting my scanner hooked up so I can start processing this backlog of artwork we have.

Tags: Ava · Outdoors · Photography