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Home with Ava

October 15th, 2007 · by map · 12 Comments

The kid’s got a bug that’s keeping her out of daycare today, so I’m home with her. We went to the doctor’s office this morning to get her checked out, and there’s no ear infection and no strep. Before we left, I made Ava some pancakes:


Leah’s been hounding me for quite a while to make pancakes for breakfast, but it’s not an item I have much experience making. Eating, yes; making, no. Ava seemed to like them all right, just as long as they had plenty of syrup on them. In her world, the pancake (or waffle) is merely a syrup-delivery vehicle.

In weekend news, I took a lot of photographs. I’ve started exercising some discretion in which shots I upload to my Flickr stream, believe it or not. G.G. and Poom Poom came to town yesterday to accompany us to the pumpkin patch, which was fun. We figured out that this is Ava’s fourth year going to the patch. She claimed yesterday that she remembered going that first time, but she was only four weeks old. I know she has a good memory, but that’s a bit much. There are plenty of pictures of the pumpkin adventure at Flickr, of course.

Tags: Ava · Food & Drink