“They say” 24 ounces of coffee daily (everything in moderation) is good for you, so I’ve been trying to have a cup most days. As you loyal readers probably know, Leah tries to get to the coffee shop every day before work and on the weekend, too, but that gets expensive (skinny decaf latte, one pump of vanilla). The alternative — free work coffee — has been a pretty unsavory option. Until today.
Clearly, the voices advocating for a change from the light brown fluid we’d been calling coffee for years have been heard. This morning, the coffee centers on each floor feature two new dark roasts and a feedback sheet asking for opinions. I hope this means they’re actually going to choose one of these new brews as the house joe. The one I’m tasting actually looks like coffee when you pour it from the pot, and the flavor is nice and roasty. I’m no coffeehound like my brother-in-law Kevin, but I can sure as shootin’ tell the diff between this stuff and our old coffee. Just as fall is settling in, too. Nice nice.