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July 6th, 2007 · by map · 4 Comments

I was sitting on our front porch yesterday morning before going to work, and there were two police cars at the curb down the street from our house.  It didn’t appear there was any action going on, and when I got to work, I e-mailed a neighbor to see if he knew anything.  He didn’t, but he’d seen the cars, too (they were right in front of his house), so he shot off an e-mail to another neighbor and learned that a man had broken into their house Wednesday night and passed out on their living room floor.  The homeowners didn’t hear a thing over the AC.  Neither did their dog.  Or, maybe the dog did hear something but was too afraid to do anything.  We always assume dogs will save the day in these situations, but I’m sure there are plenty of scared pups out there.   This was a yellow lab, after all.

My favorite detail of this crime is that the house at issue is the only one in the neighborhood with a tall, solid wood fence around the yard.  And it’s a small yard.  This guy would’ve been much better off picking pretty much any other house in the neighborhood.  Heck, he could’ve crossed the street and slept unmolested on our porch swing.  Better yet, he could’ve walked two blocks west and slept in his very own bed!  Fella must’ve been pretty tanked to have gotten so mixed up.

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