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Her eyes

June 7th, 2007 · by map · No Comments

One of the coolest things about having a child, IMHO, is contemplating the things they’ll live to see.  Space elevators.  Cure for cancer.  Robot revolution that rises up to destroy all humans.  Stuff like that.

But one of the –  if not the — coolest prospects is finding life on other planets.  There’s a story out today about UK scientists advocating the position that there is presently life on other planets.  I really hope Ava’s around if and when there’s contact with intelligent life from somewhere other than Earth.  And I really hope that intelligent life doesn’t decide to use humans as a food source.

In a somewhat related story, I found this piece entertaining.  I love dinosaurs.  Did (do) other planets have dinosaurs?  That would be cool.  How can Crichton not be writing a sequel to Jurassic Park that features some astronomer finding a distant planet full of dinosaurs?  Better yet, make it a prequel.  Twisty!

Tags: Ava · Entertainment