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March 20th, 2007 · by map · No Comments

One of the coolest things about living with a toddler is that you get to see all their firsts.  Well, most of them.  Sometimes, of course, they’re off at daycare or with grandparents or in the other room, and you miss the actual moment.  But it’s still fun to share the thrill with them when you get the chance.

When we were in Decorah last weekend, Ava fell down the stairs for the first time.  This was a first that was almost certainly going to happen somewhere other than our home, since we’re pretty much all on one floor.  Ava had been doing a great job of going up and down the stairs by herself, and one of us always tried to stay close while she was practicing.  But we were all in different rooms — each of us figuring the other was watching her — when we heard that distinctive THUMP… THUMP…BUMP *pause* “WAIL!”

Turned out it wasn’t much of a tumble, but it was enough to give Ava a healthy respect for stairs, which will come in handy at the new house.

Tags: Ava