It’s a day of updates.
We were at the hospital this morning to have Ava’s ear ventilation tubes checked. They were inserted last October 28th in an effort to alleviate the months and months of ear infections our little bunny endured. After the surgery? Not one infection in 12 months. In fact, we knew one of the tubes had come loose when Ava got an ear infection recently.
We learned today that, in fact, both tubes have worked free and are sitting, harmlessly embedded in wax, in Ava’s ear canals. But the doc says her ears look fine, so we’ll wait and see whether she starts getting a lot of infections again. If she does, it’s another set of tubes for her. We’re hoping she’s outgrown the need for the tubes (holding your child’s hand as she goes under anesthesia is not the most fun), but if she hasn’t, they’re an effective fix for a lot of pain suffering.
Ava actually seemed to have a good time at the “hostipul” today. She was a real sport as three different people came through and stuck instruments in her hears. She even came out of the appointment with a new strawberry scratch-n-sniff sticker. It also helps that there’s a huge saltwater fish tank in the waiting area, complete with little crabs.