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Deep freeze

September 19th, 2006 · by map · No Comments

I had this impression of Iowans as a hardier lot.  The temperature got down below 50 this morning, and everyone here at the office is walking around talking about how “freezing” it is.  Sheesh.  I have no idea what these people are going to do in the middle of February.

In other office-related news today, I moved to a different cube this morning.  It’s only two cubes away from my old cube, but it may as well have been on the other end of the building.  It certainly is a pain to lug all this junk from one place to another.  On the other hand, it’s a great chance to rid myself of a lot of accumulated crap.  Also nice is that no one will be able to find me for a while.  Silence is golden.

Tags: General