Ava got her first stomach flu yesterday, which wasn’t fun for anyone involved. She’s much better today, but I stayed with her at home this morning in order to adhere to the daycare’s policy of a 24-hour banishment for anyone who tosses chunks (little known fact: Leah and Rachel are emetophobes).
Also, the A620 came today. Wow. What a quantum leap from the A70. Expect to see lots (and lots) more pictures showing up on the gallery, starting today. I think I took 20 shots in the first five minutes I had it out of the box.
Finally, it’s my beautiful and talented wife’s birthday today. Since she’s a lady of refinement and poise, I’ll not reveal her age. Suffice to say she looks half her age and has brought me more happiness and comfort in the last three years than I could hope to have were I to live to 100.