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My funny Valentines

February 14th, 2006 · by Leah · 2 Comments

Lazy mornings are for lovers. At least, I’ve certainly always thought so. When Mark and I first met, Isleepy enjoyed nothing more than cuddling under the down comforter with him ’til late in the morning, when we’d amble over for some grease and coffee at the ‘Burg. However, since Ava’s arrival, our lazy mornings have changed. They’ve become very busy–and very early. But I still believe that mornings are for lovers–and now I have two of them.

Every morning, Ava is in our bed with us, whether she’s joined us in the middle of the night or at dawn. While she’s in our bed, she’s been known to toss and turn, sprawl between us, kick us in our faces, and pull on my hair while demanding to “nurse, mama.” Not quite as fun as snuggling under the covers with a sweetie, you think? Well, think again. Those early-morning moments with my daughter and husband are the most precious and beautiful hours of my day. There is nowhere I would rather be than in that crowded bed, inhabiting my few square inches of sheet, between piles of baby dolls and books. I look at my sleepy husband and my darling daughter–with her tousled head of blonde curls and her little pajama feet–and the sheer joy nearly takes my breath away. I wonder: How in the hell did I get so lucky? How did I end up with this life?

This morning, I left for the gym, and Mark was in bed with Ava, trying to get her back to sleep after a 5:00 a.m. wake-up. She was fussing and flailing. When I returned and sneaked into our bedroom, there they were in the half-light–my two beautiful, precious lovers–sleeping against each other in bed. Ava, clad in her pink pajamas with the giraffes, had pushed Mark to the very edge of the bed and was sprawled out on her back, her head resting on Mark’s bare chest. Her delicate eyelashes fluttered, and her soft breath filled the room. Mark’s beautiful blue eyes were closed, and they both looked so lovely that I could do nothing but watch them and think, “Yes. Yes. This is everything I need, forever.” Oh, my funny Valentines. You are my best and only gifts.

Tags: Ava