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‘A’ for effort

February 3rd, 2006 · by map · No Comments

I’m really making an effort to enjoy every single moment with Ava as she is now.  It’s not so difficult.  She’s sweet and engaging and affectionate and funny.  But I know the odds are she’s on the verge of a difficult developmental stage that could see her become much more assertive and temperamental.  The assertive part is fine with me; it’s the temperamental part that has me worried (she just started saying “no” this week).

So I’m stockpiling memories of her cuteness to help me weather this coming storm.  One of her most recent accomplishments is the head nod for “yes.”  If it were just an ordinary little head nod it might not be as cute as it is, but Ava has a great twist on the old classic.  Instead of simply moving her head up and down when I ask her a question, she rocks her whole upper body back and forth like a 15-year-old in the front row at an Ozzy show.  It’s hilarious.  She’s so earnest and eager to convey her desires, and when she comes across a new way to communicate, she grasps it quickly and throws all her energy into it.  Reason #989,708 why I love my daughter.  Bring on the terrible twos.

Tags: Ava