April 8 - 23: Virginia

4/9 - Hopewell (48.5 miles, 48.5 total)
after frolicking in 80-degree temps yesterday afternoon, we were walking to the yorktown restaurant for our supper (i had some scrumptious rockfish....caught yesterday) & the temps dropped a good 10 degrees as we walked....& strong winds whipped sand into our faces. this morning the skies were still full of dark clouds so we delayed our departure 'til 9. by then it was sunny....but boy those winds were still strong.
the picture shows some of us dipping tires into the atlantic this morning. from left it's judith (she calls herself that because we have another judy on the ride) from maryland, jackie from ohio, lin from minnesota, & shari (sp?) from california. those white caps in the background are a good indication of the kinds of winds we were facing today.....yup FACING!
rode some beautiful roads....along the ocean for quite a while at first. everywhere were beautiful dogwoods & lots of buttercups waving in the breeze. plenty of other flowering shrubs & trees, too. what a beautiful day. well....discounting 50 mi into strong, gusty headwinds. (yes, all you bikers who exclaimed that i'd be riding the wrong way are right....at least for today.)
rode thru colonial williamsburg. much of the countryside we traversed today is filled with colonial history, of course....including several plantations. i hadn't realized how huge they are. it was beautiful & interesting.
& then of course a bridge....a long bridge with 2 big sections of see-thru metal grates (one of my own personal favorite trip features). it was so windy that we walked across (oh good...that makes the crossing that much slower!); the gusts were so strong that the heartier ones could easily have bounced us into passing vehicles.....especially phyllis, who is teensy.
joan & i just watched the weather. looks like tomorrow is gonna be nice....& less windy. we'll sure enjoy the less windy part.
Higher quality versions of the pictures from my trip are available here. If you would like copies of the original, full-size photos, feel free to e-mail my son Mark with your request. Stay tuned....

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