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Moment of cuteness

May 5th, 2008 · by map · 4 Comments

Poom Poom and G.G. were in town over the weekend to spend some time with Ava. The stay began with a bout of what Leah and I like to call “Madison weather:” Cold, wet, and windy. But things shaped up steadily as Saturday wore on, and by yesterday, the weather was downright amazing. We got to spend a lot of time outside. Saturday afternoon we took a stroll over to Hickory Hill Park to look for wildflowers. Ava rode her trike:


On Sunday, we packed up a picnic and drove out to Lake Macbride to visit the raptor center. Poom Poom trudged through the woods in search of mushrooms; he found one. When we got home, I even had a chance to get some more yard work done. There were a bunch of hostas where the recently-removed maple used to be, so I transplanted them to a shadier part of the yard. I’m still not sure what we’re going to do with that open area where the tree stood. Another tree, I suppose. But what?

Tags: Ava · House · Outdoors